Aerial view of the KfW Main Building in Frankfurt shortly after sunset.

Executive Board of KfW

The Executive Board conducts KfW's business and administers its assets according to the Law Concerning KfW and the KfW By-Laws. It is responsible for duly performing its duties and sees to the implementation of resolutions taken by the Board of Supervisory directors.

Members of the Executive Board of KfW Group

Stefan Wintels

CEO of KfW

Katharina Herrmann

Melanie Kehr

CIO of KfW

Christiane Laibach

Bernd Loewen

CFO of KfW

Dr Stefan Peiß

CRO of KfW

History of KfW

Chairs of Supervisory Board and Executive Board of KfW

Chairs of the Supervisory Board and Speakers of the Executive Board of KfW since 1948.


KfW Group

Palmengartenstrasse 5-9

60325 Frankfurt am Main
