Legal notice and disclaimer

Palmengartenstrasse 5-9
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 74 31-0
Fax: +49 69 74 31-29 44

KfW is a public law institution and is represented by its Executive Board (Stefan Wintels [Chief Executive Officer (CEO)], ​​Katharina Herrmann, Melanie Kehr, Christiane Laibach, Bernd Loewen and Dr Stefan Peiß).

The VAT identification number of KfW is DE 114104280.


Dr Gerd Hanow


No liability for contents

All information and data supplied by KfW in its various Internet offers have been compiled to the best of its knowledge and belief. KfW cannot accept any liability for their accuracy, completeness and timeliness. The information supplied does not represent individual advice and cannot be taken as a substitute for such advice.

The same applies to all other Internet pages referred to by hyperlink. KfW is not responsible for the content of internet pages accessed through such link.

Use of Internet pages (including use of software)

The content, structure and design of the KfW internet pages and the software that can be used or downloaded from these pages (such as repayment calculator and collection of form sheets) are protected by copyright. Texts, text portions, graphs, tables, software or illustrative material, their contents and copies may not in any way be altered (not through their source code either), reproduced and distributed or transmitted to third parties without the prior consent of KfW. This does not apply to the contributions provided under "Research" and "Newsroom". These documents may be forwarded to third parties and reproduced for information purposes with indication of their source. KfW assumes no guarantee and accepts no liability for software performance or for any damage directly or indirectly caused by the utilisation or installation of this software.

Hyperlinks to the KfW Internet offers are admissible if the KfW Internet page retrieved becomes the sole content of the browser window.