KfW Research conducts in-depth analyses on the sustainable development of the German and global economy
We work at the forefront of applied economic research in Germany and Europe. Our aim is to identify economic trends at an early state and to take a stand – both as adviser for economic policymakers and as KfW’s centre of expertise. We represent KfW and our research at internal and external events in dialogue with policymakers, associations and research institutes.
Analyses and positions
Indicators, survey results, forecasts, evaluations – the results of KfW Research are published in a range of different formats. Our comprehensive surveys of SMEs, start-ups and municipalities as well as our economic indicators are unique.
KfW’s centre of expertise
Our research results, forecasts and early identification of the most important trends and challenges lay the scientific foundation for KfW’s promotional activities. We provide assessments based on macroeconomic and microeconomic research and ad-hoc analyses of current economic policy topics as well as recommendations for action for KfW. We advise KfW's Executive Board and the entire KfW Group.
Research for responsible banking
The Research Department also studies sustainability issues, which are of great importance for KfW’s work – particularly in the areas of environmental, climate and resource protection, urban development, infrastructure, education and environmental innovations. Our evaluations of KfW products ensure promotional objectives are achieved and support product development.
We would be happy to provide you with regular updates from KfW Research.
KfW Research, KfW Group, Palmengartenstrasse 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany, research@kfw.de
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