KfW Research
The external economic environment has become more difficult in recent years. The process of globalisation, from which Germany has benefited greatly since the 1990s, has slowed down in the last ten years. The globally integrated German economy will continue to feel the effects of the Corona crisis and the trade conflicts with the center USA as well as the global investment and productivity weaknesses. Russia's attack on Ukraine leads to new uncertainties. This also affects the SMEs, which is active abroad both directly and indirectly via its exporting customers. How well equipped are the German economy and SMEs for the global challenges? How can we strengthen the role of Germany and Europe in the world? How can the benefits of international trade and cooperation be advanced and made available to all? These are some of the questions that concern us in this context.
Here is an overview of current KfW Research publications on this topic:
October 2024
KfW Research, KfW Group, Palmengartenstrasse 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany,
Our newsletters report on economic and demographic developments in Germany and Europe, as well as on interesting global economic and development policy topics.
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