Fritzi Koehler-Geib sitting in front of the window

    Dr Fritzi Köhler-Geib – What's On

    Dr Friederike (Fritzi) Köhler-Geib has been KfW Chief Economist and head of the company's economics department since November 2019. She analyses trends relevant for KfW in the economy, society and on the financial markets and brings a new dynamic to the economic and financial policy debate. The focus of her work lies in the analyses of economic developments and growth trends in Germany. A particular focus is placed on small and medium-sized enterprises and the role of innovation and digitalisation in improving competitiveness, as well as issues related to the goal of a climate-neutral economy. Furthermore, Dr Fritzi Köhler-Geib also actively addresses economic policy connections between Germany, Europe and the world.

    Media and Comments on Current Topics

    28.06.2024 │ German labour market 28 June 2024

    Meeting KfW Research
    "The leading economic indicators show that the mood is brightening, with slight fluctuations, and the economy is slowly picking up speed. This is having a delayed effect on the demand for labor. At 700,745, the number of job vacancies in May was still 83,805 lower than in the same month last year. However, at 34.9 million, the number of employees subject to social insurance contributions at the end of April was 183,200 higher than a year earlier. A wave of redundancies, which usually accompanies economic downturns, did not materialize due to the shortage of skilled workers. Employment has risen above all in less cyclical sectors of the economy. These include healthcare, care homes and social services, public administration, defense and social security as well as information and communication. In contrast, there was a reduction in employment in manufacturing, construction and trade in particular, as well as in temporary employment agencies. Accordingly, the shortage of skilled workers in the manufacturing and construction sectors has also eased."
    Previous comments from Dr Fritzi Köhler-Geib

    KfW Research Position Paper

    A boost in investment for the transformation – what exactly is needed?

    Treffen KfW Research

    Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic have shaken the foundations of a rules-based world order and the German economic model. Even amid the necessary short-term crisis management, investments are key to successful adaptation to the changed environment. They make restructuring energy supplies and the green and digital transformation possible – and demand a joint effort by government, the business community and private households. The lion’s share of necessary investment will have to come from the private sector. The current burdens from high energy costs and uncertainties act as additional roadblocks. So it is all the more important to encourage and provide intelligent support for private investment. Government therefore has a key role to play: first, by formulating targets and setting frameworks and incentives and second, by investing in infrastructure and human capital, both of which are required for the productive realisation of private-sector activity.

    A boost in investment for the transformation – what exactly is needed?

    Further position papers and publications on the coronavirus and the crisis

      KfW Stories

      Dr Fritzi Köhler-Geib in the KfW

      Climate protection goals – Plenty of room for improvement

      Rebuilding the economy after COVID-19 and tackling the climate crisis must go hand in hand. For Germany to achieve its target for climate action, it needs to tap into overlooked areas of potential to reduce its CO₂ emissions. In particular, this process will be essential for the transport sector. And there is even more that can be done with innovative building solutions.

      An article by Dr. Fritzi Köhler-Geib at KfW Stories

      Speeches and Event Reports

      01.07.2024 | Euro Finance Summit, Frankfurt

      09.07.2024 | KfW Investorentag Energiewende, Frankfurt

      30.08.2024 | 12. Fachtagung der Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank, Frankfurt

      Previous speeches

      Dr Fritzi Köhler-Geib's Career Path

      Curriculum Vitae

      Portrait photos available to download here:

      KfW Photo Archive

      Fritzi Köhler-Geib in portrait


      KfW Research, KfW Group, Palmengartenstrasse 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany,