KfW Research
Germany wants to be climate-neutral by 2045. This requires radical changes in all sectors of the economy. KfW Research analyses the requirements for success, the opportunities and the demands of the aspired transformation to climate neutrality. KfW Research's analyses and studies provide answers to the key dimensions of this transformation. How much investment is required? What is Germany's current standing in the various sectors? What are the challenges faced in each sector? What political measures and instruments are needed in Germany and Europe? And what contribution can green financial instruments make towards the transformation?
Here is an overview of current KfW Research publications on this topic:
Representative survey of private households on energy transition technology and electromobility.
Representative survey on the investment behavior of all German companies on the way to climate neutrality
February 2025
KfW Research, KfW Group, Palmengartenstrasse 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany, research@kfw.de
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