
Start-of-year press conference

The KfW Executive Board during the annual kick-off press conference at KfW's Frankfurt office.

On 5 February 2024, the Executive Board of KfW presented the promotional figures for 2024 and provided an outlook for the current financial year.

To the digital press portfolio

KfW up-to-date

Facts and background on KfW's aid to Ukraine

Three years after the start of the Russian war of aggression, KfW remains a close partner of Ukraine. It will continue to support the country in this difficult time, standing reliably by its side and assuming responsibility. This applies to strengthening Ukraine’s resilience in the current war situation as well as to its reconstruction and the rapprochement process with the EU.

Hydrogen core network: an investment in the future for Germany

Pipes on which H2 is written

Germany must become climate-neutral. To achieve this, it is necessary to replace fossil fuels with climate-neutral fuels. One solution is the development of a hydrogen infrastructure. This is a key component of the German government's national hydrogen strategy. As the financier of a new instrument, KfW is driving forward the development of a hydrogen core network. The core network is indispensable for the decarbonisation of the energy supply and important branches of industry.

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The raw materials fund as a building block of a resilient and innovative economy

Different coloured raw materials on one table

Ensuring a sustainable supply of raw materials is one of the key foundations for the German economy, the digital transformation and the achievement of climate targets. That is why the German Federal Government has decided to set up a raw materials fund to strengthen the supply of raw materials to German companies as well as increase the resilience of supply chains and of the country's economy as a whole. KfW serves as the central point of contact for the raw materials fund.

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Energy transition in the private building sector

In Germany, more and more homeowners are currently undergoing their private energy transition: with a solar system on the roof, battery storage and a heat pump in the basement – and perhaps a wallbox for an electric car. (German with English subtitles)

(Source: KfW / Detlev Karres / Thomas Schuch)

Heat transition in Hamburg

In Germany's second largest city, the decisive course is currently being set for a sustainable heating transition. With climate-neutral waste heat and the green transformation of the energy supply, climate neutrality can be achieved by 2045.

(Source: KfW / Detlev Karres / Thomas Schuch)

How transformation succeds in Indonesia

(Source: KfW / Christian Chua / Thomas Schuch)

NordLink - the green electricity highway

(Source: KfW / Detlev Karres / Thomas Schuch)

Press Events

Kalender mit Pinnnadeln

Information about press events of KfW Group

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KfW Reporting Portal

History of KfW

History of KfW

The history of KfW is closely interwoven with the economic development of the Federal Republic of Germany

75 years of KfW

The transformation to a sustainable and resilient Germany has begun. KfW has been supporting the changes in the economy and society on behalf of the federal government and the federal states since 1948.

Social media

Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Xing and Instagram - the social media channels of KfW at a glance..

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Press Material

KfW Werbemittel

To assist journalists in their work, we have a wide range of material available that shows the many different faces and functions of KfW. From photographs and cv by Executive Board members to charts and presentations on our fields of work or figures.

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Special Topics

Special Topics "Europe"

Statements, documents and videos on KfW's European commitment

Press Contact

Here you will find the contact details for press representatives