View on Gaza City

    KfW News

    Facts and background on KfW's involvement in Gaza

    Map of the Palestinian Territories

    Since Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October 2023, the development cooperation with the Palestinian territories has been repeatedly called into question. We receive questions regarding KfW's involvement in the Gaza Strip on a daily basis. Not all statements and figures in circulation are correct. We have compiled the main facts to facilitate a fact-based debate.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • KfW has not financed any protected areas.
      No project involving KfW included the building of underground bunker facilities or similar. We can therefore rule out the possibility that the tunnel containing the murdered hostages was built as part of a KfW-financed project. The photo circulating online of a project sign referring to a “shelter” pertains to a project to support the reconstruction of private housing units (also referred to as “shelters”) for which KfW has provided grants on behalf of the German Federal Government.
      We are currently looking into whether the tunnel is located in the vicinity of a residential rehabilitation project supported by KfW funds.

    KfW Development Bank

    The business sector KfW Development Bank finances development cooperation projects and programmes around the world on behalf of the German Federal Government.


    We continuously learn from ongoing and completed projects by measuring their impact.

    Further information

    Logo of theMinistry for Economic Cooperation and Development

    The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has also published an answer on Gaza as part of a catalogue of answers (FAQ):

    Does Germany finance Hamas in the Gaza Strip with development projects?

    The German government does not provide any funds to terrorist organisations such as Hamas. The German government also does not pay any non-earmarked funds to the Palestinian Authority. The Federal Government's funds in the Palestinian territories are earmarked for selected projects under strict criteria.

    The BMZ's strict control mechanisms, which apply to all projects in the Palestinian territories, include close and multi-stage monitoring of local partners and their employees, of material imported into the Gaza Strip and of financial flows.

    In the current difficult situation, there is no question that Germany is committed to alleviating the suffering of the Palestinians. In the long term, Israelis and Palestinians will only be able to live in peace and security if the other side does the same.

    As of 28 May 2024

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