News from 2021-05-06 / KfW Research

KfW Municipal Panel 2021

Too soon to sound the all-clear – coronavirus may yet hit municipal finances where it hurts

Surprisingly, the financial support provided by the federal and state governments enabled municipalities to close the survey year 2020 with a small surplus. The great uncertainty about further financial developments, however, has the potential to adversely affect public investment as well as non-mandatory public services, such as sport and culture. The current KfW Municipal Panel 2021 therefore illustrates the need to take short- and medium-term measures that stabilise municipalities’ capacity to act so that they can sustainably address the major societal challenges and tackle the perceived investment backlog, which has now reached EUR 149 billion.

KfW Municipal Panel 2021 – Summary

Press release


KfW Research

KfW Group

Palmengartenstrasse 5-9

60325 Frankfurt
