News from 2022-05-30 / KfW Research

KfW Entrepreneurship Monitor 2022

Start-up activity returned to pre-crisis level in 2021: More female, young and opportunity business starters

After the pandemic slump of 2020, start-up activity in Germany returned to pre-crisis levels in 2021. Compared with 2020, 70,000 more newcomers (+13%) ventured into self-employment, launching 607,000 new businesses. The number of opportunity start-ups increased. Entrepreneurship has also become younger and more female. And with the experience of the coronavirus pandemic, significantly more business start-ups were digital and internet-based in 2021. Despite a declining rate of planners, entrepreneurial activity is expected to remain on a similar level in 2022 as in 2021.

KfW Entrepreneurship Monitor 2022

Press release


KfW Research

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