News from 2024-05-08 / Group

KfW supports call for a Europe that is open to the world

KfW supports the joint call of the Deutsche Bundesbank and Frankfurt Main Finance to participate in the European election on 9 June 2024 to give Europe and its democracy a strong voice.

KfW management with European election banner
Das Senior Management der KfW ruft zur Europawahl 2024 auf.

For a strong, democratic Europe

For Europe Day on 9 May 2024, representatives of the financial centre and the region are making a joint appeal to the public:

A democratic, free and tolerant Europe is the basis for peaceful coexistence. It is also the basis for economic growth, prosperity and public welfare. Europe benefits all: people and the economy in cities, regions and in the member states as a whole. This is particularly true for us as actors at the Frankfurt financial centre.

A location with 280 banks and credit institutions, more than 70,000 employees in the financial sector and many important institutions such as the European Central Bank and the Bundesbank, the European supervisory authorities EIOPA (for insurance) and AMLA (for combating financial crime) and Deutsche Börse can only flourish if we are open to people and ideas. Only in this way, we can make use of their diverse skills and experiences.

Tolerance and human dignity, as well as openness to cross-border exchanges, form the basis of Europe and the financial sector. These values are therefore the guiding principles of our actions. Exclusion and xenophobia harm Europe, Germany, the financial centre and all of us living together.

We therefore call on you to take part in the European elections on 9 June 2024. Give Europe and its democracy a strong voice: your vote.

Supporters of the appeal are: The State of Hesse, the cities of Eschborn, Frankfurt am Main, Offenbach am Main, the institutions Bankverband Mitte, DSGV, FIRM, Frankfurt RheinMain, Germany Finance, Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany, KfW, Sparkassen- und Giroverband Hessen-Thüringen, Verband der Auslandsbanken in Deutschland e.V., WM Gruppe.

More information:

Frankfurt Main Finance


KfW Group

Palmengartenstraße 5-9

60325 Frankfurt
