News from 2024-05-08 / Group, Sustainability
Jürgen Kern becomes KfW's new Chief Sustainability Officer
KfW is strengthening its strategic focus on sustainability and is creating a separate ‘Sustainability Strategy’ department for the first time. Jürgen Kern will head this department as Chief Sustainability Officer. He has over 20 years of financing and strategy experience and has financed international projects in the energy sector and for the protection of biodiversity in leading positions.
‘We are delighted to be able to appoint Jürgen Kern, an experienced manager, as Chief Sustainability Officer. He has extensive experience in strategy and sustainability management as well as in project financing. The sustainable orientation of our financing is at the centre of our strategic transformation agenda and we also want to be a driving force in this area,’
said Stefan Wintels, Chief Executive Officer of KfW.
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