News from 2024-08-13 / KfW Research

Nearly half of households are open to green financial investments – transparency on climate impact is crucial

Private capital is an important factor for financing the green transformation. As long as the carbon price remains well below the social cost and additional regulatory or financial incentives are lacking, investors and financiers must build climate-friendly projects on other motives. A special analysis on the basis of the KfW Energy Transition Barometer provides important insights and shows that roughly half of households in Germany (44%) are open to green financial investments and that some (14%) are already using them. The survey data also shows that the majority of these households are even willing to accept lower returns on capital if it helps the climate. In order to achieve lasting success, it is crucial that the climate impacts of the investment projects are coherently and transparently reflected.

Nearly half of households are open to green financial investments – transparency on climate impact is crucial

Press release

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KfW Research

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