News from 2024-12-09 / KfW Research

KfW-ifo Skilled Labour Barometer December 2024

Despite economic lull, skills shortages are growing again in parts of the services and construction sectors

In the fourth quarter of 2024, the share of businesses that saw their operations impaired by skilled labour shortages dropped even further below the 40% mark as a result of the persistently weak economic performance. However, a considerable portion of enterprises in most economic sectors continue to be hampered by shortages. This was particularly the case for the services sector, where 39% of enterprises reported that their business operations were affected by skills shortages. In manufacturing it was 21%. Shortfalls have worsened again in a range of service industries and the main construction industry.

KfW-ifo Skilled Labour Barometer December 2024

Press release


KfW Research

KfW Group

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60325 Frankfurt
