Press Release from 2015-04-09 / Group, Sustainability

KfW expands and improves its promotional offering for energy-efficient production systems in companies

  • The new “KfW Energy Efficiency Programme – Production Systems / Processes” is open to all companies
  • The higher the degree of energy efficiency achieved, the more favourable the conditions
  • Energy efficiency is an increasingly important factor for corporate competitiveness
  • Important contribution towards implementing the National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency drawn up by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

From 1 July 2015, KfW will improve its promotional offering for investments in energy-efficient production systems and processes by means of loans with particularly favourable interest rates as part of the “KfW Energy Efficiency Programme – Production Systems / Processes”. At the same time, KfW is opening up the programme to companies of all sizes in order to leverage additional energy efficiency potential – since, after all, energy efficiency is not a question of company size. The greater the increase in energy efficiency achieved, the more favourable are the lending conditions. By expanding and considerably improving its promotion of energy efficiency measures in companies, KfW is emphasising its role as one of the major financiers of the energy transition and is contributing towards the implementation of the National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency drawn up by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

In the basic standard of the “KfW Energy Efficiency Programme – Production Systems / Processes”, investments through which energy savings of at least 10% can be achieved are promoted with low-interest loans. The premium standard offers an even greater interest reduction for measures that generate savings of more than 30% compared with previous energy consumption or the typical consumption level within the sector. The maximum loan amount is usually EUR 25 million. However, this can be increased if the measures are particularly worthy of promotion. Through the expanded and improved promotion, KfW is making it far easier for companies to finance operational energy efficiency measures, not least because the investments pay off quicker.

“The level of energy consumed by companies is not just a question of climate protection. It is increasingly important for the future viability of our national economy too. KfW is therefore aligning its promotion of SMEs more closely with the aspect of energy efficiency,” says Dr Ingrid Hengster, Member of the KfW Executive Board.

A study conducted by KfW Research indicates that rapidly increasing energy prices have a disproportionately negative impact on companies with a high proportion of energy costs. This applies first and foremost to companies in the manufacturing industry. Energy efficiency is therefore an increasingly important competitive factor.

Commercial enterprises can apply to their regular banks for the promotional loans as part of the “KfW Energy Efficiency Programme – Production Systems / Processes” from 1 July 2015. The interest rates will be announced when the programme is launched.

More information will be available nearer the relevant programme launch date at

The study is available for download at