Press Release from 2016-03-31 / Group, Domestic Promotion

More security for women and children in refugee accommodation

  • BMFSFJ and KfW to support municipalities with interest-free loans for structural protection measures

They fled from war, terror and oppression, but even in many German refugee shelters, women and children are still not adequately protected against violence and abuse. The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and KfW are therefore assisting municipalities with the financing of corresponding structural protection measures for refugee accommodation.

Effective immediately, cities and municipalities can take out loans to invest in the new construction, conversion and acquisition of refugee accommodation reserved exclusively for women and children. On top of this, the implementation of structural protection measures in mixed-occupancy accommodation will also be encouraged. KfW is using its existing Investment Loans for Municipalities (IKK) programme for this extraordinary promotion. The loan will be granted for ten years at a fixed interest rate of 0.0% p.a. as standard. In total, up to EUR 200 million will be made available.

“At locations accommodating women and children, it is vital that special measures are taken to protect against abuse and gender-related violence,” stressed Dr Ralf Kleindiek, State Secretary of the BMFSFJ. “These not only include staffing measures, but also structural measures such as lockable housing units and gender-segregated sanitary facilities. And for children and young people, special rooms are required in which they are able to play and learn.”

“KfW began supporting municipalities with interest-free loans for financing refugee accommodation back in September 2015,” said Dr Ingrid Hengster, Member of the Executive Board of KfW. “In a second step, KfW and the BMFSFJ will now specifically target the security of those groups that are in particular need of protection at refugee facilities, such as women and children.”

Loans for cities and municipalities will be approved in the order in which the applications for them are received.

KfW is one of the key cooperation partners to the BMFSFJ in its efforts to improve the situation of refugee women and children in Germany. This partnership also includes collaborations with UNICEF, numerous welfare organisations, and centres for victims of trauma and torture in Germany. Further information:


Portrait Wolfram Schweickhardt