Annual Result 2024(PDF, 258 KB, accessible)
Third Quarter(PDF, 199 KB, accessible)
First Half(PDF, 139 KB, non-accessible)
First Quarter(PDF, 245 KB, accessible)
Annual Result 2023(PDF, 143 KB, accessible)
Third Quarter(PDF, 204 KB, accessible)
First Half(PDF, 141 KB, accessible)
First Quarter(PDF, 201 KB, accessible)
Annual Result 2022(PDF, 151 KB, accessible)
Third Quarter(PDF, 200 KB, accessible)
First Half(PDF, 208 KB, accessible)
First Quarter(PDF, 219 KB, accessible)
Annual Result 2021(PDF, 155 KB, accessible)
Third Quarter(PDF, 130 KB, accessible)
First Half(PDF, 71 KB, non-accessible)
First Quarter(PDF, 103 KB, accessible)
Annual Result 2020(PDF, 94 KB, accessible)
Third Quarter(PDF, 69 KB, non-accessible)
First Quarter(PDF, 71 KB, non-accessible)
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