KfW's European commitment
As Germany's national promotional bank, KfW also acts for Europe. The KfW programmes can be used without discrimination by European enterprises or private individuals based in Germany. Some of the programmes also specifically support cross-border projects. An important field of action is project and export finance of KfW IPEX Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of KfW, to strengthen the German and European export economy. In addition, KfW uses EU risk-sharing guarantees to facilitate access to credit for young companies. KfW pools its resources with those of the European Commission to strengthen the impact of EU development cooperation and contribute to the German government's common goals with the EU. KfW Development Bank and DEG cooperate with EU institutions and other bilateral and European promotional banks on specific projects to combat poverty, improve the living conditions of people in developing countries and protect the climate and oceans.

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), KfW has signed a loan agreement for EUR 35 million with the Tunisian energy supplier STEG (Société Tunisienne de l'Electricité et du Gaz) for a 200 kilometre-long submarine cable. This project will enable the electricity grids of Tunisia and Italy to be connected for the first time. The high-voltage submarine cable and associated infrastructure has a capacity of 600 megawatts. As of 2028, trade in electricity between Tunisia and the EU will be possible and significant CO2 savings will be achieved.
The project is being carried out by the two system operators STEG (Tunisia) and TERNA (Italy). The EU provided the project with a grant of EUR 307.6 million through the Connecting Europe Facility. Other donors include the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Green Climate Fund.
The project is one of the flagship projects of the EU Global Gateway initiative, which specifically supports geopolitically important projects and partner countries.
KfW Stories
As of December 2024
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