KfW's European commitment

KfW's European commitment

    KfW's European commitment

    As Germany's national promotional bank, KfW also acts for Europe. The KfW programmes can be used without discrimination by European enterprises or private individuals based in Germany. Some of the programmes also specifically support cross-border projects. An important field of action is project and export finance of KfW IPEX Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of KfW, to strengthen the German and European export economy. In addition, KfW uses EU risk-sharing guarantees to facilitate access to credit for young companies. KfW pools its resources with those of the European Commission to strengthen the impact of EU development cooperation and contribute to the German government's common goals with the EU. KfW Development Bank and DEG cooperate with EU institutions and other bilateral and European promotional banks on specific projects to combat poverty, improve the living conditions of people in developing countries and protect the climate and oceans.

    Cooperation with European promotional banks

    KfW is cooperating with many national promotional banks and institutions in the EU.

    Development Cooperation

    European cooperation within the framework of development cooperation.

    Am Rande des JEFIC High Level Meetings unterzeichnen Fr. Laibach und Hr. Koopman, Generaldirektor DG NEAR, den EFSD+ Garantievertrag.

    At the JEFIC High Level Meetings on 18 June 2024, Christiane Laibach (Member of Executive Board of KfW) and Gert Jan Koopman (Director General at DG NEAR) signed the EFDS+ guarantee agreement ‘Supporting a market-oriented Green Transformation in the Western Balkans and European Neighbourhood East regions.’ The EU’s EFDS+ guarantee used to safeguard default risks of development and promotional loans amounting to €260 million. The secured loans enable investments in renewable energy and network infrastructure in target regions. After an initial starting phase of three years, the EFDS+ guarantees will secure loans with a duration of 15 years until 2042.

    • The EFDS+ guarantee agreement includes an additional component for technical support to the amount of €13 million.

    • The investment programme is one of six programmes of the KfW Development Bank (currently in cooperation with DEG) with a guarantee volume of up to €1.1 billion in total, which was approved by the EU in 2022.

    • The loan borrowing strengthens the commercialisation of national energy suppliers while promoting their market maturity.

    KfW Stories

    "Difficult times are European times"

    Interview with Dr Jan Klasen, Head of Department of Federal and European Affairs of KfW, outlines the cooperation between Europe’s national promotional banks and institutions (NPBIs) and share their recent experience of working to counter the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis

    "Our channel to Brussels"

    Europe’s promotional banks are joining forces to overcome the major challenges of our time – a mission best accomplished with direct interactions on a day-to-day basis in the EU’s political and administrative capital. David Denzer-Speck runs the KfW office at the heart of the EU.

    Dossier Plastic waste

    In our dossier, we present the Clean Oceans Initiative co-founded by KfW, which has just celebrated its two-year anniversary – and other innovative approaches to preventing and processing plastic waste.

    Dossier "Circular economy"

    In our dossier, we present the European Joint Initiative on Circular economy, and projects that pursue the principle of a closed-loop economy.

    Luftaufnahme eines Windparks mit mehreren Windturbinen in einem Gebirge von Nordmazedonien

    As of May 2024

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    KfW Liaison Office to the EU

    Rue Montoyer 51

    1000 Brussels


    No. 79019799690-13