Refugee Aid

Support in the area of international financing

KfW Development Bank: preventing and softening the impact of crises

On behalf of and with funding from the Federal Government, KfW Development Bank is currently providing EUR 3 billion of support to refugees and the host communities in developing countries. These resources are being used to finance 117 refugee-related projects in 28 countries. Around half of the funds will be invested where the needs of refugees and the host communities are greatest: in the Near and Middle East, especially in Syria and its neighbours, Lebanon and Jordan.

Other resources will benefit refugees in the crisis regions of East Africa, especially in South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and DR Congo. In addition, KfW also supports refugee projects in West Africa, South Asia and Southeast Europe.

In acute crises, the priority is to immediately improve the living conditions for refugees by means of food aid and meeting basic social needs (drinking water, basic healthcare, basic education etc.). The situation of refugees living in camps requires special attention. We provide emergency aid with support from NGOs.

Focus on refugee relief

Learn more about our work for refugees.

Talk with

Helmut Gauges, Head of Department, about KfW's work for refugees.

Crisis in Ukraine

German federal government provides EUR 500 million: KfW supports reconstruction and refugees in eastern Ukraine.

DEG involvement in fighting the causes of displacement

Eröffnung des Trainingcenters

Reconstruction is proceeding slowly in Baghdad and southern Iraq. The German family-owned company Knauf, with financial support from the DEG, has now opened a dry walling training centre in Baghdad. It is planned that the centre will train at least 300 Iraqi craftsmen and 200 architects/engineers in dry walling every year. This creates career opportunities for young people – a major factor in combating the causes of displacement.

DEG promotes training in Iraq, DEG news of 7 December 2015

As of June 2018

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