
Supplier information XRechnung

Since 27 November 2020, as an official contracting authority, KfW has been legally obliged to request electronic invoices in XRechnung format from its suppliers

What is an XRechnung?

Within the meaning of EU Directive 2014/55/EU, an XRechnung is an invoice that is issued, transmitted and received in a structured electronic format that enables automatic and electronic processing.

An XRechnung is a standardised format specification for an electronic invoice. From a technical perspective, an XRechnung is an XML-based data model. It is the German application specification of the European CEN technical standard data model and thus the national standard for public administration.

The XML file in XRechnung format represents the invoice. An invoice in PDF format or a scanned paper invoice does not meet the requirements of the E-Invoicing Ordinance (ERechV).

Invoicing via the OZG-RE portal

Basic information on the invoice submission portal

The Bundesdruckerei (German Federal Printing Office) operates the OZG-compliant invoice submission portal (OZG-RE). OZG is the German Online Access Act.

General information on invoicing

KfW suppliers and service providers can issue e-invoices via the OZG-RE portal. By registering on the OZG-RE portal, you will receive your access details. The technical requirements are Internet access and a common browser.

Register now/log in

As the portal operator, the Bundesdruckerei (German Federal Printing Office) is your point of contact for technical questions.

For help as the invoicing party, please e-mail

Route ID (Leitweg-ID)

The Route ID must be specified for e-invoices and works like an address. KfW invoices can be allocated using the Route ID. You must provide the Route ID, as communicated by us, in unchanged form on electronic invoices.

Route-ID KfW: 992-80158-64

Related links

e-Invoice Regulation (E-Rech-V)

Online Access Act (OZG)

General informations on XRechnung


KfW Bankengruppe

Central Procurement

Platform for Europe-wide tenders