Our mission worldwide

KfW is one of the world’s leading promotional banks. It applies its decades of experience to improve economic, social and environmental living conditions across the globe on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany and the federal states.

KfW, Locations in Germany

The figures in tables were calculated exactly and added up. Figures presented may not add to totals because of independent rounding.

Legal notice:
The information contained in this online Annual Report 2016 is based on KfW’s Financial Report 2016, which you can download here here. Should this online Annual Report 2016, despite the great care taken in preparation of its content, contain any contradictions or errors compared to the Financial Report, the KfW Financial Report 2016 takes priority.

KfW Stories

The digital magazine of KfW tells stories from all over the world: about inventors, building owners and entrepreneurs, about people in the spotlight and people in the shadows, about ecology and about growth.