Themenbühne EN

    Making an impact – the business sectors

    We promote Germany

    We promote Germany

    We finance investments in the future by people in Germany; we finance start-ups and SMEs so that the German economy will remain strong.

    We support internationalisation

    We support internationalisation

    Advantage and added value: As a financing partner, KfW IPEX-Bank supports German and European companies in international competition.

    We promote development

    We promote development

    Our goal is to improve the living conditions of people in developing countries and emerging economies and to promote a climate-friendly economy.

    Financial markets

    Financial markets

    We ensure the long-term funding of our promotional business and the liquidity of the entire KfW Group via the global money and capital markets.

    Our staff

    Our staff

    In fulfilling our promotional mandate and achieving busi­ness success, one aspect is particularly important to us: being a responsible and attractive employer.

    KfW Stories

    The digital magazine of KfW tells stories from all over the world: about inventors, building owners and entrepreneurs, about people in the spotlight and people in the shadows, about ecology and about growth.