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KfW IPEX-Bank in 2020

We support the German and the European economy

KfW IPEX-Bank is responsible for export and project finance within KfW Group. It supports German companies operating in key industrial sectors in global markets by structuring medium and long-term financing for German and European exports, infrastructure investments and securing raw materials supply, and by financing environmental and climate protection projects worldwide. As a specialist bank, KfW IPEX-Bank has extensive industry, structuring and country expertise. It takes on leading roles in financing consortia and actively involves other banks, institutional investors and insurance firms. KfW IPEX-Bank is operated as a legally independent group company and is represented in the most important economic and financial centres of the world.

More on KfW IPEX-Bank

Financial year 2020: Support for long-term customers and structuring of well-collateralised financings

KfW IPEX-Bank reported a challenging financial year. The coronavirus crisis and its consequences have put the global economy in a previously almost inconceivable situation. In view of the continuing uncertainty, many companies decided to proceed with caution, and postpone long-term investment and financing decisions, while also securing liquidity in order to get through the crisis.

KfW IPEX-Bank's focus in 2020 was on supporting long-term customers and structuring well-collateralised financing. In most cases, it acted as part of financing consortia with other national and international banks. KfW IPEX-Bank recorded stable business activity thanks to its focus on future technologies. It provided financing totalling EUR 16.6 billion in 2020. Of this amount, EUR 15.9 billion (2019: EUR 18.6 billion) was attributable to original lending business and EUR 0.7 billion (2019: EUR 3.5 billion) to bank refinancing under the CIRR ship and ERP export financing programmes.

More on KfW IPEX-Bank’s financial year 2020

Funding priority areas

KfW IPEX-Bank continued to make important contributions in the past financial year in particular to meeting long-term global challenges, whether through funding energy and environmental projects, safeguarding local jobs by supporting the export industry or expanding key – also increasingly digital – infrastructure.

Legal notice:
The information contained in this online Annual Report 2020 is based on KfW’s Financial Report 2020, which you can download here. Should this online Annual Report 2020, despite the great care taken in preparation of its content, contain any contradictions or errors compared to the Financial Report, the KfW Financial Report 2020 takes priority.