KfW ifo SME Barometer

    KfW-ifo SME Barometer

    Construction and interpretation of the KfW-ifo SME Barometer

    The KfW-ifo SME Barometer indicator family is based on a scale-of-enterprise evaluation of the ifo Business Survey, from which the well-known ifo Business Climate Index is calculated. Around 9,000 companies from the manufacturing, construction, wholesale, retail and services sectors (excluding financial services, insurance and government) are surveyed each month on their economic situation, including around 7,500 SMEs. Enterprises are generally classed as small to medium-sized if they employ a workforce of not more than 500 and record an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million. For an analytically more significant evaluation, however, these quantitative limits have to be drawn more narrowly for retail trade (maximum annual turnover of EUR 12.5 million), construction (up to 200 employees) and services (maximum annual turnover of EUR 25 million). All enterprises that exceed at least one of these thresholds are classed as large-scale enterprises. The KfW-ifo SME Barometer reports the balance of the assessments of the current business situation (percentage of positive answers less percentage of negative answers), the balance of business expectations for the next six months, calculated in the same way, and the inferred mean value of these two components as the business climate. Moreover, employment expectations, domestic sales price expectations and – solely for manufacturing – export expectations are reported as balance figures, in each case with an expectations horizon of three months. All time series are seasonally and mean adjusted. The zero line therefore marks the long-term 'cycle-neutral' average since January 2005. Indicator values above (or below) zero point to an above average or favourable (below average or negative) economic situation. Due to a fundamental concept reform in April 2018, publications on the KfW-ifo SME barometer before and from this date can only be compared with each other to a limited extent.

    July 2024 SME business sentiment: A summer lull or a reversed upswing?
    Basic data set July 2024
    June 2024 SME business sentiment drops for the second consecutive month
    Basic data set June 2024
    May 2024 SMEs are slightly more confident as optimism rises
    Basic data set May 2024
    April 2024 Business sentiment: SMEs have some hope again
    Basic data set April 2024
    March 2024 SMEs feel a hint of spring in the air
    Basic data set March 2024
    February 2024 SME business confidence remains in the doldrums
    Basic data set February 2024
    January 2024 SMEs start the new year with subdued sentiment
    Basic data set January 2024
    December 2023 A setback at the end of the year
    Basic data set December 2023
    November 2023 SME business sentiment on the path to recovery
    Basic data set November 2023
    October 2023 SME business sentiment rose again for the first time since the spring
    Basic data set October 2023
    September 2023 SME business sentiment is bottoming out
    Basic data set September 2023
    August 2023 Business sentiment: Dry spell is getting longer and longer
    Basic data set August 2023
    July 2023 The mood at the start of the summer quarter has turned sour
    Basic data set July 2023
    June 2023 Business sentiment in freefall
    Basic data set June 2023
    May 2023 SME business sentiment: situation OK, expectations more pessimistic again
    Basic data set May 2023
    April 2023 SME sentiment in April: a mix of sunshine and rain
    Basic data set April 2023
    March 2023 SME business confidence improved further at the start of spring
    Basic data set March 2023
    February 2023 SMEs are more upbeat going into Lent
    Basic data set February 2023
    January 2023 The green shoot of optimism continues to grow
    Basic data set January 2023
    December 2022 Sentiment brightened at the end of the year
    Basic data set December 2022
    November 2022 SMEs have some hope again
    Basic data set November 2022
    October 2022 Have business expectations bottomed out?
    Basic data set October 2022
    September 2022 The recession has begun; business expectations are nearing their all-time low
    Basic data set September 2022
    August 2022 Muted sentiment, dismal outlook
    Basic data set August 2022
    July 2022 Serious recession concerns among SMEs
    Basic data set July 2022
    June 2022 Satisfactory business situation but great anxiety about what lies ahead
    Basic data set June 2022
    May 2022 Situation of SMEs is improving but fear of downturn is growing
    Basic data set May 2022
    April 2022 SMEs cautiously breathe a sigh of relief after war shock in March
    Basic data set April 2022
    March 2022 Attack on Ukraine has sent business expectations into a tailspin
    Basic data set March 2022
    February 2022 Sentiment improved strongly – but before Russia’s attack on Ukraine
    Basic data set February 2022
    January 2022 Optimism has grown again in the SME sector
    Basic data set January 2022
    December 2021 Omicron is clouding business sentiment and economic outlook for 2022
    Basic data set December 2021
    November 2021 SME business sentiment is in freefall
    Basic data set November 2021
    October 2021 SME business sentiment is stabilising, but supply bottlenecks remain a problem
    Basic data set October 2021
    September 2021 Supply shortages are temporarily slowing down the recovery
    Basic data set September 2021
    August 2021 Business sentiment drops as concerns are back
    Basic data set August 2021
    July 2021 Positive business situation but renewed concern about the pandemic among SMEs
    Basic data set July 2021
    June 2021 Economic indicators are turning green
    Basic data set June 2021
    May 2021 SME business sentiment: enterprises are ready for recovery
    Basic data set May 2021
    April 2021 Business sentiment: SMEs are putting up a brave fight
    Basic data set April 2021
    March 2021 Business sentiment jumps – advance praise for the economic rebound
    Basic data set March 2021
    February 2021 SME business confidence: a hint of spring
    Basic data set February 2021
    January 2021 SME business sentiment: retail in freefall, manufacturing steady
    Basic data set January 2021
    December 2020 SME business confidence was steady before the lockdown
    Basic data set December 2020
    November 2020 Lockdown 2.0 is hitting SMEs harder than large enterprises
    Basic data set November 2020
    October 2020 Worry lines in SMEs are deepening again
    Basic data set October 2020
    September 2020 SME business confidence has risen again
    Basic data set September 2020
    August 2020 Sentiment improvement in SMEs is losing steam
    Basic data set August 2020
    July 2020 SMEs are recovering – everything else depends on how the pandemic evolves
    Basic data set July 2020
    June 2020 SMEs are hoping for better times
    Basic data set June 2020
    May 2020 A sigh of relief!
    Basic data set May 2020
    April 2020 SMEs are now clearly in the throes of the coronavirus slump
    Basic data set April 2020
    March 2020 SME business confidence collapses under the strain of the coronavirus crisis
    Basic data set March 2020
    February 2020 SME business confidence not yet affected by coronavirus in February
    Basic data set February 2020
    January 2020 A subdued start to the year for German SMEs
    Basic data set January 2020
    December 2019 Despite minor bright spots at the end of the year, the road to a rebound is a long one
    Basic data set December 2019
    November 2019 SMEs are suspended in an economic no man’s land
    Basic data set November 2019
    October 2019 German SMEs report lower business situation assessments but the outlook is a bit less pessimistic
    Basic data set October 2019
    September 2019 Sentiment improves slightly among SMEs but not in large enterprises
    Basic data set September 2019
    August 2019 SMEs' resistance is weakening as mood turns sour
    Basic data set August 2019
    Juli 2019 SMEs are trending downward, manufacturers are alarmed
    Basic data set July 2019
    June 2019 More and more cracks are appearing in the key pillars of the economy
    Basic data set June 2019
    May 2019 Much gloom weighs on SME business climate but rays of hope can be seen
    Basic data set May 2019
    April 2019 SME business sentiment – as changeable as spring weather
    Basic data set April 2019
    March 2019 SMEs: Downturn in sentiment has bottomed out
    Basic data set March 2019
    February 2019 Deterioration of sentiment is spreading to more and more parts of the economy
    Basic data set February 2019
    January 2019 Rampant pessimism is spreading to Germany’s SME sector
    Basic data set January 2019
    December 2018 SMEs are feeling uneasy about the new year
    Basic data set December 2018
    November 2018 SMEs have the autumn blues
    Basic data set November 2018
    October 2018 SMEs had a golden October but large enterprises weathered autumn storms
    Basic data set October 2018
    September 2018 Stabilisation of SME business sentiment continues
    Basic data set September 2018
    August 2018 SMEs’ optimism rebounds sharply
    Basic data set August 2018
    July 2018 SMEs: satisfied but nervous about the future
    Basic data set July 2018
    June 2018 German SMEs keep their cool as trade conflict intensifies
    Basic data set June 2018
    May 2018 SME business sentiment: the euphoria is gone as downward risks increase
    Basic data set May 2018
    April 2018 Reformed business climate indicator confirms continuing decline in sentiment
    March 2018 Dark clouds on the horizon
    February 2018 SME business confidence slips despite new record situation assessments
    January 2018 SMEs start the new year on a high note
    December 2017 Business climate: slight dip at the end of an outstanding year
    November 2017 Breaking all records
    October 2017 Confidence of both SMEs and large enterprises at an all-time high
    September 2017 Going into autumn, German SMEs are in the best of moods
    August 2017 SME business confidence reaches a plateau after rising fast
    July 2017 Business climate at ever new heights
    June 2017 Soaring confidence in a roaring economy
    May 2017 SME business sentiment: taking a breather after all-time high
    April 2017 Moving into spring at full speed
    March 2017 SME business sentiment is consolidating on a high level
    February 2017 Germany in high spirits thanks to SMEs
    January 2017 Worry lines have grown deeper since the start of the year
    December 2016 SME business confidence is up in December – and across the entire year 2016
    November 2016 Business climate: SMEs are only moderately impressed by Trump
    October 2016 Confidence of German SMEs is increasing in leaps and bounds – despite global risks
    September 2016 German SME business confidence brightened in sunny September
    August 2016 SMEs suddenly have the summer blues
    July 2016 SMEs react fairly calmly to Brexit shock
    June 2016 Brexit vote: German SMEs are well equipped for uncertain times
    May 2016 Spring is in the air for German SMEs
    April 2016 Businesses are stuck in a sober mood
    March 2016 Fears of an economic slowdown are easing slightly
    February 2016 Although concerns are growing, it is too early to throw in the towel
    January 2016 German businesses uneasy about world economy
    December 2015 German SMEs: mood slightly subdued as the year closes
    November 2015 Optimism is booming
    October 2015 SMEs remain calm despite bad news
    September 2015 Manufacturing pushes SME business sentiment down
    August 2015 German SMEs relaxed, large enterprises nervous
    July 2015 German SME business climate climbs to annual high
    June 2015 Unease in Europe causes disquit in SME sector
    May 2015 German SMEs' business climate improves further, but only sligthly
    April 2015 Spring is in the air for German SMEs
    March 2015 SME business climate marking time
    February 2015 German SMEs are cautiously optimistic
    January 2015 SMEs realistic at start of year
    December 2014 SMEs enter the new year with increased confidence
    November 2014 And breathe ...
    October 2014 SMEs facing downswing
    September 2014 Economy raising concerns
    August 2014 SMEs revise business expectations significantly downwards
    July 2014 Tensions unsettle SMEs less than large companies
    June 2014 Economic uncertainty on the rise
    May 2014 General sentiment: slower pace ahead
    April 2014 Buoyant mood amongst SMEs almost unchanged at start of spring
    March 2014 SMEs relatively unfazed by the Crimean crisis
    February 2014 Business climate: more realism, less optimism
    January 2014 SMEs optimistic at start of year
    December 2013 SMEs confident about 2014
    November 2013 SME business climate jumps to year high
    October 2013 SME business climate improves further
    September 2013 Stable business expectations among SMEs
    August 2013 Broad-based and strong improvement in business climate
    July 2013 Optimism among SMEs holding up
    June 2013 Confidence is returning – guardedly
    May 2013 SMEs: Scepticism sets in
    April 2013 Business climate for SMEs follows the negative trend
    March 2013 SMEs clearly more confident than large-scale enterprises
    February 2013 Confidence is growing by leaps and bounds
    January 2013 Gearing up for a rebound KfW-ifo SME Barometer


    KfW Research, KfW Group, Palmengartenstr. 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt,

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    Current analyses, indicators and polls on business cycles and the economy, both in Germany and worldwide.