The KfW Group sustainability mission statement serves as a reference framework for our commitment to sustainability: It is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 2015 Paris Agreement and the German Federal Government's own sustainability strategy.
The mission statement contains explanations on the strategically sustainable focus of KfW's strategy in five areas of activity: banking business, employer and banking operations. It also introduces the cornerstones of sustainability management and sustainability communication.
Not only do we consider it our mission to contribute to sustainable development worldwide, but this is the expectation of the German Federal Government, on whose behalf we work. Our sustainability mission statement reflects this aspiration.
Specifically, the sustainability mission statement includes the following points:
Detailed information on the mission statement and the fields of action can be found in KfW Group’s sustainability mission statement.
Due to new developments, KfW is revising its sustainability mission statement. Some topics will be re-introduced, for example topics from the tranSForm project. Other topics have been further developed in the meantime. For example, a new, holistic sustainability approach has been developed for the capital market business and green bond investments have been integrated into KfW’s liquidity portfolio.
With our sustainability management system, we ensure that environmental and social aspects are taken into account in all areas of the company’s activities. Our own sustainability guidelines for banking operations and banking business flesh out these requirements.
In addition to sustainability guidelines for corporate environmental protection and responsible procurement, each business sector has its own sustainability policy with an aim to take ecological and social issues into account in all financing and promotional projects.
The guidelines are available in the Download Centre.
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