Nature conservation

Nature conservation

Unique nature

Georgia is a small country, about the size of Bavaria. But the biodiversity is huge. Especially in the isolated mountain regions, species developed that you can't find anywhere else on the planet. This great biodiversity has to be preserved, and this is why KfW supports Georgia on behalf of the German Federal Government in establishing a network of national parks. It extends from the subtropical rainforests in Adjaria on the Black Sea coast across the Greater Caucasus right to the steppe landscapes at the frontier to Azerbaijan. In our video we present three Georgian national parks – Vazhlovani, Kazbegi and Kintrishi, to show you some examples of KfW's work.

Europe's Balcony

How species are preserved in Georgia's national parks (KfW / Thomas Schuch / Alia Begisheva).

Published on KfW Stories: Tuesday, 12 February 2019


All United Nations member states adopted the 2030 Agenda in 2015. At its heart is a list of 17 goals for sustainable development, known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our world should become a place where people are able to live in peace with each other in ways that are ecologically compatible, socially just, and economically effective.