photo collage: outside shot of the KfW-IPEX buidling (left) and a robotic arm holding a smart phone testing Authentic Network's app (right)
75 years of KfW

75 years of KfW

The 2000s

Back then

The 2000s
The DEG Headquarter in Cologne

At the turn of the millennium, KfW changes more than ever before in its history. Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau becomes KfW Group. Environmental and climate protection projects are intensified, as is the promotion of education and SMEs. Since 2008 KfW has been supporting the Federal Government in dealing with the consequences of the financial market crisis.

Further information

With the new millennium, the promotional bank undergoes major changes, as KfW becomes KfW Group. In 2001, KfW acquires DEG ( Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft) – an important step towards pooling German development cooperation.

Today, DEG supports private companies that are active in developing countries and emerging economies. Among other things, it contributes to better health care in Africa with its financing of digital solutions.


Technologies of the future

Blockchain against counterfeiting

The start-up Authentic.Network has developed a digital seal that makes malaria drugs identifiable, forgery-proof and traceable.