News from 2023-07-04 / Group

IDFC Steering Group Meeting on 29 - 30 June 2023 at KfW's Berlin branch

On 29 and 30 June 2023, the members of the International Development Finance Club's (IDFC) Steering Group met at KfW's Berlin premises to discuss current issues of international cooperation. The IDFC is a network of 26 leading national and regional development banks from all over the world. KfW is part of its founder members.

The meeting focused on support for financing measures to protect the climate, address the consequences of climate change, gender equality and alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, the participating PDB representatives prepared the annual IDFC meeting and discussed the role of public banks at the upcoming international meetings, including COP28.

"It has been an honour and a pleasure for me to host the IDFC Steering Group at the premises of KfW in Berlin. Climate action, biodiversity, the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and gender equality are issues that can be resolved solely by cooperating on a global scale. The international development banks have an important role to play here, and we want to fulfil this responsibility together."

Rémy Rioux Chair of IDFC and CEO AFD:

„Within the Finance in Common (FiCS) movement, our IDFC Club is deepening collective action between PDBs towards Paris alignment, the Kunming-Montreal GBF and the Agenda 2030. We warmly thank our friends at KfW for the perfect organisation of this Steering Group Meeting I had the honour to chair.”